The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may be on track to end fiscal year 2019 with a surplus of approximately $522 million according to a new analysis. MTF outlined a framework for handling any fiscal 2019 surplus, including (1) Add to the state’s “rainy day” fund; (2) Pay down unfunded pension and OPEB liabilities; (3) Make one-time investments in transportation and education initiatives.
June 27, 2019
FY19 Surplus: A $500 Million Question
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may be on track to end fiscal year 2019 with a surplus of approximately $522 million according to a new analysis. MTF outlined a framework for handling any fiscal 2019 surplus, including (1) Add to the state’s “rainy day” fund; (2) Pay down unfunded pension and OPEB liabilities; (3) Make one-time investments in transportation and education initiatives.