Join MTF

If you or your company are interested in becoming a member of MTF:

Email MTF Director of Membership and Business Development Debbie Carroll at

We welcome the opportunity to discuss the benefits of membership.

About Us

The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) is the state's preeminent, trusted source for timely analysis and thoughtful recommendations on policies affecting employers, taxpayers, and our shared economic future. We provide our members with a wide range of expertise, including all aspects of tax and public finance as well as issues critical to our economy, including transportation, health care, workforce, child care, and education. 

Why Us

Massachusetts is at a crossroads where changing demographics and increasing out-migration of residents threaten the fundamental formula for the Commonwealth's economic success. MTF is uniquely positioned to inform Beacon Hill, business leaders, and the public on how policymaking decisions will impact our future and put forward proposals that position the state for ongoing success. This work has never been more important. 

MTF Member Benefits

  • Insightful Reports and Analysis: In-depth reports, timely policy briefs, and comprehensive presentations on key issues of the day.
  • Events: Annual Meeting, quarterly Trustees Meeting (trustees only), monthly Policymaker Conversations, and monthly Member Briefings.
  • Company-Wide Membership: MTF membership is for the entire organization, and we encourage broad engagement with our member employees. 
  • E-Newsletter: Provides unique insights, timely updates, invitations to upcoming events, and important information about policies affecting the business and civic community. 
  • Member Interest Groups: MTF offers members an opportunity to connect with peers and colleagues who share policy interests and to inform the Foundation's work. 


MTF serves as a real-time non-partisan resource for policymakers and stakeholders by offering high-quality, timely, accurate, and insightful analysis of critical policy decisions and legislation that support the state's fiscal health and long-term growth. 


MTF identifies the medium and long-term challenges to equitable and sustainable prosperity; puts forward constructive ideas; and works with a range of partners to advance those recommendations. 


MTF shapes the Commonwealth's policy agenda. The Foundation has a 90-year track record of using research, analysis, and reputation to impact public policies that range from tax to budget, transportation to healthcare, and workforce. 

Supporting a Diverse MTF Membership

MTF’s mission is to support sustainable and equitable economic growth throughout the Commonwealth. To do this, our membership must reflect the diversity of perspectives and lived experiences of people around Massachusetts. MTF offers reduced membership dues to companies and organizations that will help MTF improve the spectrum of perspectives among its members.  MBE companies and organizations headquartered in Gateway Cities or rural regions of the state can contact Debbie Carroll for more information on membership discounts.