April 01, 2009

Massachusetts Legislative Directory 2009-2010

Following each state election, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation publishes the Massachusetts Legislative Directory, an invaluable guide to the State House. This booklet is designed to help you, the citizen, understand the legislative process and communicate with your elected officials.The Directory provides basic information to help you contact state legislators: their home and office addresses; State House phone numbers and e-mail addresses; political party affiliation; and a list of the communities they represent.You will also find rosters of the various legislative committees and the House and Senate leadership, as well as information on constitutional officers, cabinet members and other administrative officials.Other features will help guide you through the legislative system. A special four-page foldout section explains step-by-step the process by which bills become law. A glossary of legislative terms and procedures translate State House jargon. The "Keeping in Touch" section provides guidance on the most effective way to express your opinions and make them count.We wish to thank State Street for a generous grant that helped make this latest edition of the Directory possible. And we wish to thank all of the Foundation's members who provide our staff with the resources needed to continue our work in the public interest.