Displaying 151–160 of 573
Apr 14, 2021
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
Today, the House Committee on Ways and Means (HWM) released its $47.6 billion spending plan for fiscal year (FY) 2022. House members will file amendments to the budget in the coming days, with debate scheduled for the week of April 26th. This...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
Apr 14, 2021
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which became law when President Biden signed H.R. 1319 on March 11, will provide approximately $350 billion to state and local governments to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. Section 602(c)...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
Apr 06, 2021
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
The House Ways and Means (HWM) committee will release its FY 2022 budget proposal the week of April 12th and much has changed in the ten weeks since the release of Governor Baker’s spending plan. The combination of action at the federal level,...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
Mar 23, 2021
This report is the second in a three-part series on the implications of telework for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. MTF’s initial report provided an overview of the current policy landscape as it pertains to telework. This report will explore how...
Mar 12, 2021
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
This bulletin provides an initial summary of key provisions of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) that are likely to impact Massachusetts, its residents and employers.  The ARP is an expansive $1.9 trillion relief that covers an enormous spectrum of...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
Mar 01, 2021
The job loss related to COVID-19 has placed an unprecedented strain on our economy and our unemployment insurance (UI) system. The strain on the UI system creates two major policy challenges that require near-term action. First, unemployment taxes on...
Feb 16, 2021
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Income Tax
This paper will explore the current tax policy landscape for telework and key considerations for policymakers should the increased prevalence of telework prove permanent. This is the first of a three-part series on the policy ramifications of...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Income Tax
Jan 27, 2021
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
The Baker Administration has released its budget proposal (House 1) for FY 2022, just over 6 weeks after signing the FY 2021 General Appropriations Act. This bulletin provides an overview of notable spending, revenue and policy elements of the ...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
Jan 22, 2021
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) today announced that Doug Howgate will be joining the organization on Monday as Executive Vice President. Since the fall of 2018, Howgate served as Senior Policy Advisor to Senate President Karen E. Spilka...
Dec 15, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
MTF expects tax revenues to increase by $1.54 billion to $29.73 billion in FY 2022, a $1.54 billion or 5.5 percent increase from the most recent FY 2021 projection of $28.19 billion. The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation FY 2022 forecast is $1.68...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022