Displaying 161–170 of 574
Dec 15, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
MTF expects tax revenues to increase by $1.54 billion to $29.73 billion in FY 2022, a $1.54 billion or 5.5 percent increase from the most recent FY 2021 projection of $28.19 billion. The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation FY 2022 forecast is $1.68...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2022
Dec 07, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
The Legislature passed its FY 2021 budget on December 5, hoping to avoid the need for an another interim budget and just days before the FY 2022 consensus revenue hearing that kicks off the next budget process. The budget, now awaiting the...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
Nov 23, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
Quickly following the House’s actions, the Senate passed its budget late Wednesday, November 17. The Senate was able to expeditiously conclude its budget debate in two days, in part by adopting four bundled amendments that added $35 million in...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
Nov 13, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
This week the House debated and passed its budget, four and a half months after the beginning of the fiscal year. With four consolidated amendments adding $24.53 million to spending, the budget, totaling $46.06 billion, is approximately $285 million...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
Nov 10, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Sales Tax
As Massachusetts lawmakers look for ways to close a $3.6 billion tax revenue gap in the FY21 operating budget, there is a simple idea that could help the state receive sales tax payments more quickly and provide about $267 million of additional...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Sales Tax
Oct 28, 2020
MTF President Eileen McAnneny's remarks at MTF's 87th Annual Meeting focused on the theme, “The Pandemic, Presidential Elections and Public Unrest.” "This captures the essence of this year," said McAnneny. "We have all been affected by&nbsp...
Oct 14, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
Following months of economic uncertainty and temporary budgets to keep the state operating, Administration and Finance (ANF) provided the Legislature with its revenue and spending proposals for their review and consideration.  Notably, the...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
Oct 13, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
MTF President McAnneny shared a presentation with the Senate Revenue Working Group about the state’s revenue outlook and the road to recovery. Entitled "A Reality Check on Revenues and Recovery," the presentation argued that now is not the time to...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
Oct 07, 2020
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021
MTF President Eileen McAnneny testified last week at the Economic Roundtable convened by budget writers to help them determine the size of the revenue shortfall for FY2021. The state has been operating on an interim budget since the start of the...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2021