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Apr 11, 2016
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
MassHealth, the state’s Medicaid program, makes up 39 percent of spending in Governor Baker’s FY 2017 budget proposal – by far the single largest area of spending. This brief examines MassHealth spending in the Governor’s budget, strategies employed...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Mar 08, 2016
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Last fall, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation released a Stabilization Fund report that drew attention to the risks the state runs by failing to rebuild “rainy day” reserves during times of economic recovery. This companion brief explores how...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Jan 27, 2016
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Today, Governor Baker released his FY 2017 budget recommendations. His House 2 proposal recommends $39.55 billion in line item spending, an increase of $1.22 billion (3.2%) over FY 2016 projected spending. Of this $1.22 billion increase, $739.3...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Jan 14, 2016
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Today, the Executive Office of Administration & Finance (ANF) and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means announced that the FY 2017 state budget will be built on $26.860 billion in tax revenues. This consensus figure, which assumes 4.3...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Jan 08, 2016
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016
On January 8th, Governor Baker announced $105 million in budget cuts and new revenues to partially address an midyear budget gap.
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016
Dec 16, 2015
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Tax revenues will grow by $980 million, or 3.8 percent, to $26.69 billion in fiscal 2017, slower than the 4.6 percent annual average over the past five years and below that of previous economic recoveries, according to a new forecast released today...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2017
Nov 10, 2015
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016
Troubling state budgetary practices have left the Commonwealth’s Stabilization Fund balance insufficient to meet the next fiscal downturn and immediate action is needed to increase and safeguard the fund for future use, according to a report released...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016
Oct 30, 2015
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2015
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2015
Jul 23, 2015
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016
Despite the vetoes, the 2016 budget bottom line remains virtually the same because there are both reduced appropriations and savings projections that are lower than originally anticipated.
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016
Jun 02, 2015
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016
In its fiscal 2016 budget, the Senate proposed increasing the state’s earned income tax credit (EITC), raising personal exemptions, and funding those measures by freezing the income tax rate at 5.15 percent with the goal of increasing the state’s...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2016