The ongoing legislative process for ARPA legislation continued today with the release of a $3.7 billion spending plan from the Senate Committee on Ways and Means (SWM). As with the House plan finalized last week, the SWM proposal mixes federal Fiscal Recovery Fund and fiscal year 2021 surplus funds to support a variety of pandemic recovery uses. All three bills share a number of spending priorities, but the SWM proposal is notable for exceeding earlier spending levels for public health and mental health services.
November 03, 2021
Senate Ways and Means ARPA Proposal
The ongoing legislative process for ARPA legislation continued today with the release of a $3.7 billion spending plan from the Senate Committee on Ways and Means (SWM). As with the House plan finalized last week, the SWM proposal mixes federal Fiscal Recovery Fund and fiscal year 2021 surplus funds to support a variety of pandemic recovery uses. All three bills share a number of spending priorities, but the SWM proposal is notable for exceeding earlier spending levels for public health and mental health services.