As the state struggles with a more than $2 billion budget gap in fiscal 2003, its leaders have an opportunity -- and a responsibility -- to correct spending abuses and eliminate inefficiencies that have been tolerated in the recent good times, especially when programs are being cut and taxes raised. The reforms identified by the Foundation, which range from eliminating abuses in incentive pay for higher education for local police to reforming the Chapter 70 education aid formula, would help ease the state's fiscal problems while making better use of taxpayers' dollars.
May 01, 2002
The Commonwealth's Fiscal Crisis: Opportunity for Important Spending Reforms
As the state struggles with a more than $2 billion budget gap in fiscal 2003, its leaders have an opportunity -- and a responsibility -- to correct spending abuses and eliminate inefficiencies that have been tolerated in the recent good times, especially when programs are being cut and taxes raised. The reforms identified by the Foundation, which range from eliminating abuses in incentive pay for higher education for local police to reforming the Chapter 70 education aid formula, would help ease the state's fiscal problems while making better use of taxpayers' dollars.