On June 19, Governor Baker filed H. 4806, a one month, $5.25 billion spending authorization to keep the government operational through July 31 that the legislature has since enacted. In this interim budget, the guidance indicates that for each account, spending will be the lower of the FY 20 GAA and FY 21 H2 budgets. This analysis outlines the unique attributes of this interim budget and its implications for the final FY2021 spending plan.
June 30, 2020
The FY21 Interim Budget – It's Different This Time
On June 19, Governor Baker filed H. 4806, a one month, $5.25 billion spending authorization to keep the government operational through July 31 that the legislature has since enacted. In this interim budget, the guidance indicates that for each account, spending will be the lower of the FY 20 GAA and FY 21 H2 budgets. This analysis outlines the unique attributes of this interim budget and its implications for the final FY2021 spending plan.