Displaying 191–200 of 568
Sep 30, 2019
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2019
Though the Commonwealth’s fiscal year 2019 ended June 30th, decisionmakers must make several important decisions before the final accounting of the state’s finances for the year can be completed. Most importantly, lawmakers will determine how to...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2019
Sep 11, 2019
I am writing today in support of House Bill 2446: An Act Relative to the Massachusetts Estate Tax Code. While the Foundation believes that the Massachusetts estate tax should mirror the federal estate tax, this bill would more closely align the...
Sep 04, 2019
The thirty-one Massachusetts organizations signing this letter collectively support the July 30 Senate Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee’s unanimous approval of the America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act (ATIA). The ATIA would...
Aug 14, 2019
On behalf of the numerous businesses represented by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, I write to respectfully request that you report H.2606 – An Act Allowing for the Deduction of Business Interest – favorably from Committee at your earliest...
Aug 09, 2019
Aug 08, 2019
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2019
The Commonwealth Stabilization Fund, the state’s “rainy day” fund, is a critical component of the Commonwealth’s financial structure. For example, amid the Great Recession in fiscal 2009, budgeted tax revenue plummeted by nearly $2.7 billion compared...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2019
Aug 02, 2019
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2020
Governor Charlie Baker signed his fifth General Appropriations Act (GAA) on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, giving his approval to $43.6 billion in spending appropriations. While choosing not to exercise his veto authority to reduce spending, the Governor...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2020
Jul 26, 2019
I write to offer comments on the rule proposal entitled “Fiduciary Conduct Standard for Broker-Dealers, Agents, Investment Advisers and Investment Adviser Representatives”
Jul 22, 2019
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2020
Massachusetts legislators released their compromise plan for the fiscal 2020 budget, authorizing $43.6 billion in spending for the fiscal year that began July 1, 2019. The six-member budget conference committee reconciled the differences between the...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2020
Jun 27, 2019
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2019
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may be on track to end fiscal year 2019 with a surplus of approximately $522 million according to a new analysis. MTF outlined a framework for handling any fiscal 2019 surplus, including (1) Add to the state’s “rainy...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2019