Displaying 381–390 of 568
Jun 26, 2013
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Sales Tax
This is the most sweeping such tax in the nation. It strikes at the heart of the state’s innovation economy and will stifle job creation for years to come.
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Sales Tax
Apr 10, 2013
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) endorses the House and Senate bills that address the shortfall in funding for transportation while continuing to improve the performance of state transportation agencies.
Mar 31, 2013
Mar 19, 2013
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Sales Tax
The Governor’s proposed sales tax on computer and data processing and custom software would have very serious ramifications for major sectors of the state’s economy.
PUBLIC FINANCE > Taxes > Sales Tax
Mar 06, 2013
A major study released today by two leading business groups, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) in collaboration with the Massachusetts Business Roundtable MBR), offers a blueprint to ensure the greatest possible return on additional...
Jan 30, 2013
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2014
The Foundation’s analysis of the Governor’s tax proposal shows that the elimination of the personal income tax exemptions and the additional corporate taxes account for most of the $1.9 billion in new revenues. The analysis also summarizes the 44...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2014
Jan 30, 2013
A combination of economic, political, and social/cultural factors tied to the end of American economic hegemony will permanently constrain the ability of state and local governments to fund programs and services.
Dec 20, 2012
Over the last eight months, the state’s OPEB Commission has done an enormous amount of good work in addressing the unaffordable costs of retiree health care facing the state and municipalities.
Dec 13, 2012
Municipal revenues and expenditures grew by just 2.7 percent to $22.6 billion in fiscal 2012, leaving Massachusetts cities and towns in the midst of a three-year slowdown that is unprecedented in the Proposition 2 ½ era, according to the...
Dec 11, 2012
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2014
Fiscal 2014 tax revenues will grow by $835 million, or 3.9 percent, to $22.37 billion, according to a new forecast released today by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. “While fiscal 2014 shows an improving revenue picture, we are still a long...
PUBLIC FINANCE > Budget > FY 2014