Displaying 511–520 of 595
Aug 01, 2006
"In recent testimony (August 8) before the Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, MTF President Michael J. Widmer said that the proposed regulation issued by the Division fairly reflects the compromise agreement reached by the legislative...
Jun 01, 2006
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
In a new analysis of the Commonwealth's financial situation, the Foundation focuses on a mounting appetite for new initiatives that threatens to overwhelm the state's ongoing fiscal capacity.
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Apr 01, 2006
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
In its annual review of state finances, the Foundation cautions that while the Commonwealth is in its third year of financial recovery, the state's leaders now face the challenge of choosing from a long list of competing funding priorities that far...
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Feb 01, 2006
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
In its new analysis of Governor Romney's proposed 2007 budget, the Foundation highlights the budget's focus on restoring local aid to cities and towns and providing financial support for health care reform. At the same time, however, the more than $1...
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Jan 01, 2006
The state's public colleges would gain millions of dollars in new revenue if undocumented immigrants were allowed to attend these schools at in-state tuition rates, according to an analysis released today by the Foundation.
Dec 01, 2005
In a new analysis of proposals by the Governor, House and Senate to expand health care access for the uninsured, the Foundation concludes that the House's plan to impose a new payroll tax would raise virtually no new revenues. The report makes a...
Dec 01, 2005
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Tax revenues will increase roughly five percent per year in 2006 and 2007-down from the almost seven percent average pace of the last two years-as the state's workforce continues to expand at less than half the national rate, according to a forecast...
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Nov 01, 2005
BUDGET & TAXES > Municipal
In order to help address the "relentless squeeze" on municipal finances in Massachusetts, the state should dedicate 40 percent of tax revenues to local aid and develop a new system for benchmarking local costs, according to the Foundation's 35th...
BUDGET & TAXES > Municipal
Oct 01, 2005
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
In a new analysis, the Foundation predicts a modest structural surplus in the state budget for fiscal year 2005 while sounding a warning on 2006 finances.
BUDGET & TAXES > Budget > FY Pre-2008
Jul 01, 2005
Health insurance costs for municipal employees in Massachusetts have skyrocketed by 63 percent between 2001 and 2005, according to a new Foundation report. This growth is more than four times greater than the rate of growth in local budgets and...