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Unlike many competitive rankings, the MTF index tracks a broad set of metrics. The results underscore the sometimes-overlooked fact that Massachusetts’ overall competitive standing is solidly in the middle of the pack.The MTF hopes that its benchmark...
MTF's 2024 Massachusetts Competitiveness Index Report is designed to put forward a framework to assess how Massachusetts stacks up compared to other states, key economic and geographic competitors, and itself.The report looks at 26 different metrics...
On July 29th, Governor Healey signed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget; sending back $316.8 million in gross spending vetoes ($248 million net). Inclusive of the Governor’s cuts, line-item spending in the FY 2025 budget would total $57.78 billion, a ...
On March 1st, the Healey-Driscoll administration unveiled their economic development bill, An Act relative to strengthening Massachusetts’ economic leadership, also known as the Mass Leads Act. The House and Senate have now each acted on their own...
On July 22nd, House Bill 4891, An Act promoting access and affordability of prescription drugs was released from the House Committee on Ways & Means (HWM). Amendments to the bill were due later on July 22nd with anticipated debate occurring on...
The House and Senate are set to enact a Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget, totaling $58.1 billion in line-item spending. It includes $27.5 million more in spending than the House and $16.5 million more than the Senate budget; and total spending...
The House and Senate have both passed their own versions of a housing bond bill, known as the Affordable Homes Act, and now must reconcile the two versions in Conference Committee. Both bills propose more than $5 billion in capital authorizations,...
On July 15th, Senate Bill 2871, An Act enhancing the market review process was released from the Senate Committee on Ways and Means (SWM). Amendments to the bill are due by July 16th with anticipated debate occurring on July 18th.This bill is the SWM...
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In addition to providing regular monthly presentations to our members, we often present our research and analysis to advocacy organizations, businesses, and key stakeholders. Massachusetts at a Crossroads Webinar Series: The Economic Impact of...
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If you would like to get in touch with MTF to inquire about membership opportunities, our work, and more, please email Director of Membership and Business Development Debbie Carroll. Debbie Carroll -