Displaying 251–260 of 1134
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, in a report released last week, said the state’s population already was aging and growing at a slower rate before the COVID-19 pandemic, but that’s been “exacerbated” by employees’ ability to work remotely,...
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The pandemic put a strain on our workforce here in Massachusetts. The latest report from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) found startling trends when it comes to the population of Massachusetts, and they were all exacerbated by COVID-19.
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Demographics pose a problem for the health of the Massachusetts economy. The state’s population is aging. The number of people in the workforce is declining.
While policy makers may not be able to do anything to increase the birth rate, there are...
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MTF President Eileen McAnneny discusses a new report on Massachusetts demographics.
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, in a report released Wednesday, said the state’s population was aging and growing at a slower rate before the COVID-19 pandemic, but the trends have been “exacerbated” by more employees being able to work...
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“The decline in the birth rate over the past few decades, the aging of our population, the shrinking of our workforce age population, and then the reduction in international immigrants into Massachusetts, all are somewhat troubling because it means...
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Overall, the lack of child care options in Massachusetts is costing working families, some of whom are spending 20% to 40% of their annual income on programs.
The average cost of child care is more than $20,000 a year in Massachusetts, the most...
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The jobs are there in Massachusetts, but nobody seems to want them, says a new report, which shows there are twice as many job openings as unemployed people in the state.
The report, released Wednesday by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation,...
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An overwhelming outmigration of Bay Staters, an aging state population and a shrinking number of international college students are among the demographic trends imperiling the economic growth potential and labor market in Massachusetts, a new report...
A new report out today from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) presents clear and comprehensive data demonstrating that an aging and declining population reduces the size of the state’s workforce, putting the Massachusetts economy in...