Displaying 221–230 of 1134
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The scarcity of child care facilities and qualified workers to staff them is costing Massachusetts families $1.7 billion a year in lost wages due to missing work or reduced work hours, according to the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.
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According to the foundation, though, Healey should also consider changes that will encourage higher income workers to stay in and around Boston’s tech hub.
“Crafting a package that takes on key costs for historically marginalized communities and...
Tax policy is at the forefront of the legislative and fiscal agenda in 2023 as the state implements the income surtax, reassesses a tax package that garnered bipartisan support last year, and welcomes a new gubernatorial administration that has made...
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Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Doug Howgate said his preference would be for the Legislature to focus more on tax relief than altering Chapter 62F, although he also said MTF was “happy to look” at proposals for alteration.
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The scarcity of child care facilities and qualified workers to staff them is costing Massachusetts families $1.7 billion a year in lost wages due to missing work or reduced work hours, according to the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.
MTF is publishing eleven policy previews on these and other topics to help policymakers and the public begin the session with a clear understanding of where issues stand and the policy questions that must be addressed in the months ahead. Each...
Governor Healey’s Capital Authorization Bills
On Thursday, January 19th, Governor Maura Healey filed the first capital bond bills of her Administration, totaling $1.4 billion. The first bill focuses on what the Administration identifies as the ...
Chapter 62F of the Massachusetts General Laws establishes a limit on annual state tax revenue collections. The law, passed by an initiative petition in 1986, created a process by which actual tax collections are compared to an allowable tax revenue...
Budget leaders from the House, Senate, and Administration have agreed on a $40.410 billion consensus tax revenue figure for the fiscal year 2024 budget. Budget makers expect tax revenues to grow by $642 million (1.6 percent) over estimated FY 2023...
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During discussion on how to best use those incoming funds on Tuesday, Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Doug Howgate advocated for splitting the revenues 50/50, "half for transportation, half for education." Lawmakers have not committed to...