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Earlier today, the House completed three days of budget debate to finalize their fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget. This Bulletin summarizes notable changes made to the House Ways and Means (HWM) proposal and looks ahead to key issues to watch when the...
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Doug Howgate, executive vice president of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, said he thinks the state is right to take a careful approach with its federal aid and that it’s important legislators consider how the American Rescue Plan’s additional...
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If all the amendments were accepted, they could boost spending by another $1.04 billion, according to a Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation analysis. “It is likely that the final House budget will increase spending by a further $60-$80 million,”...
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In written testimony, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation asks legislative leaders to postpone a second and final vote on the proposed amendment, which seeks a 4% surtax on the portion of an individual's annual income above $1 million. Eileen...
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation said its analysis of the budget found nearly 1,000 amendments that would increase the plan's cost by more than $1 billion.
Legislators will hold a constitutional convention during this 192nd session of the General Court and are likely to vote on whether or not to advance a ballot initiative that amends the Massachusetts Constitution to impose an additional four...
Today, the House Committee on Ways and Means (HWM) released its $47.6 billion spending plan for fiscal year (FY) 2022. House members will file amendments to the budget in the coming days, with debate scheduled for the week of April 26th. This...
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which became law when President Biden signed H.R. 1319 on March 11, will provide approximately $350 billion to state and local governments to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. Section 602(c)...
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, in a report outlining issues to watch in the House budget, classified it as "highly unlikely" that the House Ways and Means proposal would adjust the underlying revenue estimate. "An upgrade to FY...