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MTF's monthly policy call for February will be held on Thursday, February 18th from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. The topic will be Transportation Policy. We are pleased to have Guest Speaker Joseph Aiello, MBTA FMCB Chair.
Mr. Aiello has served as the...
MTF will hold its virtual monthly policy call on Thursday, January 28th, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Staff members will present an overview of MTF's proposed 2021-2022 Research and Policy Agenda for member reaction and input. All your ideas, questions...
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Eileen McAnneny, president of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, said unemployment levels are not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels until 2024. McAnneny noted that the pandemic has also pushed people out of the labor force, with 228...
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation projected $29.73 billion in tax revenues in fiscal 2022, with President Eileen McAnneny laying out the reasoning behind her “cautiously optimistic” scenario. In a seven-page report, McAnneny said the MTF...
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MTF President Eileen McAnneny said the bullish projections were predicated on sales taxes jumping 7.1%, or $484 million, and withholding income tax climbing nearly 4%, or $522 million. Gas and room occupancy taxes could also rebound significantly,...
MTF expects tax revenues to increase by $1.54 billion to $29.73 billion in FY 2022, a $1.54 billion or 5.5 percent increase from the most recent FY 2021 projection of $28.19 billion. The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation FY 2022 forecast is $1.68...
The Legislature passed its FY 2021 budget on December 5, hoping to avoid the need for an another interim budget and just days before the FY 2022 consensus revenue hearing that kicks off the next budget process. The budget, now awaiting the...
Quickly following the House’s actions, the Senate passed its budget late Wednesday, November 17. The Senate was able to expeditiously conclude its budget debate in two days, in part by adopting four bundled amendments that added $35 million in...
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While officials say the threshold will hit only the largest 6 percent of businesses in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation said the change will be “costly for them at a time many are reeling from the loss of business resulting from...
This week the House debated and passed its budget, four and a half months after the beginning of the fiscal year. With four consolidated amendments adding $24.53 million to spending, the budget, totaling $46.06 billion, is approximately $285 million...