Displaying 551–560 of 1134
MTF President Eileen McAnneny testified last week at the Economic Roundtable convened by budget writers to help them determine the size of the revenue shortfall for FY2021. The state has been operating on an interim budget since the start of the...
MTF’s President Eileen McAnneny said, “while our revised tax revenue forecast has improved since MTF’s April projection, the improvement is due largely to unprecedented levels of federal financial assistance. Numerous headwinds could slow the...
Pandemics, presidential elections, and public unrest -- what does it mean for tax policy?
Featured guest: Geoffrey Snyder, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Revenue
Featured speaker: Dr. Larry Sabato - "A Crystal Ball...
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The second report suggests the authority’s success over the last few years in addressing long-standing maintenance and modernization needs may come to a halt in four years. The report describes an “impending chasm” between the billions of dollars...
This report, which examines the MBTA’s sources and planned uses of capital funding, finds “an impending chasm” between the costs to maintain and modernize the Authority’s existing infrastructure and available sources to pay for these investments. At...
The intent of the emergency regulation, this proposed regulation and the related Technical Information Release is to maintain the tax treatment of income received by employees who previously worked in Massachusetts, but due to pandemic-caused...
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As Bay State officials stare at a $6 billion structural deficit amid plummeting tax revenue, adding this program would be quite difficult, said Eileen McAnneny of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. “The state would be hard-pressed to find...
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Taken together, the MBTA is staring down a staggering budget deficit in the fiscal year that starts next July, according to an analysis by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. That’s assuming fare revenue rebounds to 75 percent of its...
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In May, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, a nonprofit think tank, said that state tax revenues in the current fiscal year were expected to be $6 billion less than anticipated. In July, the U.S. Department of Labor reported a...
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Withholding taxes – tax payments automatically deducted from paychecks and unemployment insurance benefits and paid directly to the government – were $80 million above year-ago levels. Baker said the regular unemployment insurance benefit plus the...