Displaying 331–340 of 1134
Our organizations, representing thousands of employers and hundreds of thousands of employees in Massachusetts, write to urge you to adopt the tax changes included in H.4361, An Act to improve Massachusetts’ competitiveness and reduce the cost of...
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Those investments have not been enough to keep up with the MBTA’s modernization needs, according to previous agency estimates. A September 2021 report from the business-backed Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation found the MBTA faces a $13 billion...
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, a nonpartisan watchdog group, endorsed Baker’s plan, calling it the right move to keep the commonwealth competitive.
The Senate begins its budget process today, with the release of the Senate Ways and Means proposal. The SWM budget follows a similar script to the House, foregoing a tax relief proposal put forward by Governor Baker and including hundreds of millions...
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A new study by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation demonstrates how urgent the situation is. Before accounting for people who left the workforce during the pandemic, working families lose $1.7 billion in wages annually when they miss work or have...
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Eileen McAnneny, president of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, said the increase in revenue is something she hasn’t seen in her lifetime. “It is incredible,” she said. McAnneny said inflation and labor shortages are pushing up wages and as...
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The lack of child care options in Massachusetts is costing families, businesses and the state government more than $2.7 billion a year.
That’s according to a report from the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, which reports that working families...
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation helpfully adds it all up: The bill includes 614 environmental, climate, and economic development earmarks, and guarantees every municipality in the state at least $250,000.
The House wrapped up its budget deliberations this week, finalizing a $49.8 billion budget, after adding $129.6 million in spending through amendment over the course of 3 days of session.
The House acted on a record number of budget...
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation is set to release a report on Thursday that outlines the detrimental impacts the childcare shortage is having on the state’s economy. Among the eye-popping stats: Inadequate childcare cost businesses in...