Displaying 361–370 of 1134
News Item
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Eileen McAnneny said changes to capital gains and estate taxes are of particular interest to retirees. "People in retirement certainly are thinking about where they'll choose to retire, and cost...
On behalf of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, I write to express my support for An Act to Improve Massachusetts Competitiveness and Reduce the Cost of Living. The package proposed by Governor Baker is fiscally responsible and positions the...
Governor Baker’s Budget – Five Things to Know
Among the many elements in Governor Baker’s budget, several proposals and assumptions stand out as being particularly notable. Each of these items will play a significant role in the budget...
Please join us for our March policy call. The topic will be an update on early education. For more information about this event, please contact Debbie Carroll at
MTF members, click HERE to register.
Upcoming Calls
This MTF policy call will provide a comprehensive overview of the FY 2023 House Ways & Means budget proposal. We will look at new spending and policy initiatives to be considered by the House, assess the status of Governor Baker’s tax relief proposal...
On behalf of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, I write to express my support for House Bill 2881: An Act Relative to the Massachusetts Estate Tax Code. Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation is a non-partisan, nationally recognized, non-profit...
Budget leaders from the House, Senate, and Administration have agreed on $36.9 billion as the consensus tax revenue figure for the fiscal year 2023 budget. Budget makers expect tax revenues to grow by $967 million (2.7 percent) over estimated FY 2022...
News Item
“Eliminating racial and ethnic health care disparities will lead to a healthier Massachusetts, a stronger economy and clear progress toward the shared imperative of a more equitable society,” said MTF President Eileen McAnneny in a release. “This...
To commence the new year, MTF will be hosting a virtual open house and you're invited. Please join us on Friday, January 28 at 10:00 am.
The event will feature a comprehensive presentation by Doug Howgate, MTF's resident expert, on Governor Baker...
To truly advance its equity goals, Massachusetts must take a leadership role in collecting and analyzing racial and ethnic health disparities, a new Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation report suggests. The report underlines how Massachusetts must...