Displaying 341–350 of 1134
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The business-backed foundation projected that employers lose nearly $812 million every year due to lost productivity, turnover and replacement costs when workers need to step away to care for their children, in addition to the estimated $1.66 billion...
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The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Pioneer Institute and Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce are among those who have signed onto the lawsuit.
Over the past few years the issue of child care has gained momentum in national and state policy discussions. This has been especially true throughout the pandemic, as the public health emergency and economic fallout turned a dire child care...
Earlier today, Governor Baker filed a combination economic development and COVID recovery bill that includes $1.3 billion in capital authorization, $2.3 billion in direct spending of remaining federal ARPA funds and 137 policy sections. This Brief...
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For analysis on the budget proposal and Baker’s tax cut plans, WAMC’s Pioneer Valley Bureau Chief Paul Tuthill spoke with Eileen McAnneny, President of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation.
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Eileen McAnneny, president of the business-backed Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, told the Globe in an interview that the Legislature should take advantage of the “enviable” position Massachusetts finds itself this year. “You can do tax...
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“Massachusetts is making itself a more inviting place for innovators, for investors, for small business owners, for retirees — they can come to our great state, they can plant roots here, they can create jobs here, and they can take advantage of all...
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“MTF’s mission is about fiscal stability for the Commonwealth and positioning Massachusetts for long-term economic growth and opportunity for all,” said Eileen McAnneny, President of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. “The Baker Administration’s...
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Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation president Eileen McAnneny said the state’s large rainy day fund, combined with soaring tax revenues and federal revenues make this an “appropriate time to provide the people of Massachusetts with much needed tax...
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But Eileen McAnneny, president of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, said the tax plan would provide much-needed relief to the state’s “most vulnerable” including senior citizens, working families, and those with modest incomes. McAnneny...