Displaying 721–730 of 1134
MTF proposes tighter standards for using the Commonwealth's rainy day fund, ensuring that the fund is tapped only if deteriorating economic conditions cause a significant drop in state revenue growth.
In a unique collaborative report, MTF and the United Way call for several major changes in the state's welfare program to help recipients achieve long-term economic independence and self- sufficiency, a goal that serves the interests of families,...
While the state's leaders have agreed on a plan to fill the huge revenue shortfall in 2002, even larger deficits in 2003 and beyond remain unaddressed. Almost $1.3 billion will be drawn from reserves in 2002, and another $134 million of "savings"...
The Foundation's updated analysis of spending changes over the past two fiscal years concludes that the state has reduced expenditures by $1.9 billion in a host of programs -- not including the additional spending cuts that will be needed to address...
In its annual review of state finances, the Taxpayers Foundation warns that largely uncontrollable growth in spending for core programs is outpacing the revenue growth that can be expected to be generated by the state's economy and tax base over the...
In its annual review of state finances, the Foundation cautions that while the Commonwealth is in its third year of financial recovery, the state's leaders now face the challenge of choosing from a long list of competing funding priorities that far...
Governor Patrick's fiscal 2008 state budget includes a proposed spending increase of 3.8 percent. Tables 1 and 2 summarize his recommendations by category and track spending from 2001 to 2008. After adjusting for inflation, proposed 2008 spending is...
"The House Ways and Means fiscal 2008 budget, which will be debated by the full House beginning April 23, has a bottom line that is very similar to the Governor's budget proposal but rejects most of his specific initiatives. The House proposes to...
Following each state election, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation publishes the Massachusetts Legislative Directory, an invaluable guide to the State House. This booklet is designed to help you, the citizen, understand the legislative process and...
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) endorses the House and Senate bills that address the shortfall in funding for transportation while continuing to improve the performance of state transportation agencies.