Displaying 741–750 of 1134
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) endorses the House and Senate bills that address the shortfall in funding for transportation while continuing to improve the performance of state transportation agencies.
“We are at a pivotal moment for the MBTA and our economy,” said Eileen McAnneny, President of the MTF. “Now that the breadth and severity of the problems confronting the MBTA have been revealed and the price of inaction is evident, we have a real...
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation applauds the Legislature for its vote to repeal the sales tax on computer and software services. This was a difficult but important vote, and the Foundation commends legislators for their quick action to repeal...
In light of the many changes occurring in the transportation realm, the Foundation strongly urges the Commonwealth to reconsider and reshape its planning process for the years ahead. The TFC narrative that directed policy for a decade and drove vital...
MTF recently released its latest report in a series that examines the various cost components of doing business in the Commonwealth relative to other states, including electricity, for commercial and industrial ratepayers. One key finding of our...
Though the Commonwealth’s fiscal year 2019 ended June 30th, decisionmakers must make several important decisions before the final accounting of the state’s finances for the year can be completed. Most importantly, lawmakers will determine how to...
The thirty-one Massachusetts organizations signing this letter collectively support the July 30 Senate Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee’s unanimous approval of the America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act (ATIA). The ATIA would...
MTF urges the administration to withdraw proposed changes to the fair share formula - the changes ignore the enormous contributions of employers and threaten the future of health care reform by upsetting the balance of shared responsibility.
The Foundation’s comprehensive 50-state analysis shows that the recently enacted software services tax is the most burdensome in the nation. The Excel file allows users to compare Massachusetts to 49 other states on the tax treatment of 11 different...